If you experience a crash and then the error message "Error: Server Error" when trying to re-connect, this likely means that the most recent autosave has become corrupted. This can be solved by rolling back to the previous save, although you may lose some progress. We're continuously working on improving the saving process to prevent issues like this in the future
You can delete the latest save file by browsing your saves in the "Load Game" screen, and selecting
"Go to directory"
The folder in which you have your saves will then open. Autosaves are named AutoSave_X, where X is the save number.
Removing or deleting the highest number save from the folder will load the previous save and, likely, allow you to re-connect. We recommend moving the most recent autosave folder instead of deleting it, as there is a small chance that rolling back to the second most recent save does not fully resolve the issue.