"Unknown Status" for server you're currently hosting:
The ServerHostSettings.JSON and/or ServerGameSettings.JSON files have most likely become
corrupt. This happens most often when the files are manually edited. See: How to Revert
Changes to JSON Files
"Unknown Status" for server someone else is hosting:
The server owner is most likely not currently hosting the server. Please contact the server
owner for further information or assistance.
My server has disappeared from the Local Saves section of the Load Game menu:
Manually editing JSON settings files for your server can sometimes cause them to be corrupted or unreadable. See: How to Revert Changes to JSON files
Game crashes when loading the server (Error: Server Error)
“Error: Server Error” occurs most often when the most recent autosave have become corrupted. This can be solved by rolling back to the previous save, although you may lose some progress.
See: Error: Server Error